CERBAIR has recently undisclosed a manportable system that includes both the detector and the effector. Named Chimera, it is a…

Olvid remporte le Prix de l’innovation des Assises de la cybersécurité
A la différence des messageries, comme WhatsApp, Olvid s'affranchit d'un annuaire central des utilisateurs. Tous les échanges sont cryptés entre…

From technology to business: change of focus as mobility start-ups mature
Outsight offers a fascinating case study of how one perception technology start-up is tapping diverse markets in its search for…

LoLaS & Veronte autopilot integration to secure precise landings
The integration of LoLaS (Local Landing System) with the Veronte Autopilot 1X has been a complete success. In order to…
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